Pet Sitting in Redondo & Dog Friendly Trails

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

House Sitting in Redondo

Los Angeles Freeway Bumper to Bumper TrafficThe last time we went housesitting, I ended up walking a 10 mile round trip to Redondo for a cup of coffee. It was enjoyable, but I wrote that I probably wouldn’t be back.

A month has gone by, and we’ve just completed our first house sit in …… Redondo.

Funny how that happens!

8mph and 82 degrees all the way to Redondo Beach California

4th of July in Redondo

It was 4th of July weekend, and the drive down to Redondo was the usual LA Freeway scenario of bumper to bumper traffic, and I didn’t get about double digits for miles.

Luckily I recently signed up to, and have a good supply of audio books for rides just like these.

Waiting for me at the other end of this frustrating (and hot) journey, were a dog called Baxter and a cat called Chance.

Both were really friendly and well behaved, and although we were only house sitting for a 3 day weekend, we got attached to the pair of them.

Three Fans Watching the World Cup

Baxter and Chance were quite content watching the World Cup with Red, but as soon as I left the room Baxter can darting after to shadow me.

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

When I picked up his lead for a walk, Baxter bounced around like Tigger, with bags full of uncontrolled excitement and energy. It was too hot to go hiking anywhere strenuous, so we stayed close to the neighbourhood.

Patriotic Neighbourhood

There was plenty of evidence that it was 4th of July weekend.

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving JaySo I took a couple of photos of Baxter on our first walk to send to the home owners we were sitting for, to wish them a Happy 4th and let them know that he was enjoying himself.House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

I came across lots of other flags along the way, and also a very patriotic display in a flowerbed.

Red White and Blue Flowerbed for 4th of July

Taking Chances with the Cat

Chance the cat was decidedly more chilled than Baxter, and was happy to laze around the house most of the day.

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

As well as looking after the pets, I managed to whip up a batch of my Fiery Chilli Pepper Chutney, and I left a jar for the homeowners as a welcome home gift.

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

It’s such a treat to have the run of a well-designed kitchen, and I really appreciated the opportunity to spread out, and get my chefs head on.

Pet Sitting Photo Gallery

I’ve never quite understood pet owners taking so many photos of their pets, but I’ve amassed quite a collection during our Redondo Trip:

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

I was so sad to leave Baxter, that I’ve been granted “visitation rights” to take him hiking anytime I want. I’ve already done research to find out where I can take him, and I came across these websites. So if your house sitting in LA, and are looking for a dog-friendly location, these websites have some good options:

Dog Friendly Trails in Los Angeles

Beautiful Blooms

And just to wrap this post up, a couple of flowers that caught my eye during one of our walks:

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay

House Sitting Redondo Beach Roving Jay



Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

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