Urban Sketching – How to Draw People

Urban Sketching Drawing People Tutorial

I did a tutorial on SkillShare the other day hosted by Danish artist, Lasse Voss. I’m actively working on improving my Urban Sketching skills but don’t just want to master the landscape, buildings and cars, I want to populate my pictures with people.

I’d go so far as to say I want the people to be the primary focus, and the buildings etc. to be in the background to create some context.

In his class, Lasse covered figure proportions and eye-line perspective. Then we added some colour to our sketch project.

Eye-line Perspective for drawing people
Eye-line Perspective for drawing people

The eye-line perspective was really interesting and helped me to grasp how to put multiple people in a scene and maintain a realistic perspective for them – based on whether “the viewer” is standing or sitting.

I’ve tried drawing lots of people in a scene before and it looked off, but I was really pleased with how I was able to capture a group of people in a sketch and have the size and perspective of them turn out ok.

Urban Sketching Drawing People Tutorial
Urban Sketching Drawing People Tutorial

I’m new to sketching people this rough—insinuating at the detail rather than trying to capture it all, and this is going to be essential for doing urban sketching during our next travel adventure. More practice is definitely needed—but I’m going in the right direction.

I’m using this time of being anchored in Los Angeles, to hone my sketching and painting skills so that when me and my passport get let loose on the world again, I won’t be too intimated to start drawing a group of people in a scene.

For #UrbanSketching people there's two key elements you need to master. Thanks Lasse Voss for sharing your artistic tips on @skillshare. #travelblogger #travelsketching Click To Tweet

Author: Roving Jay

Jay is a project manager who swapped corporate life for a nomadic existence as a travel writer. She works with authors and entrepreneurs to help them achieve their self-publishing goals and reach their target audience through content marketing. Jay has published a series of travel guides, a travel memoir, and nonfiction books about travel writing. She housesits and volunteers around the globe with her husband, a Hollywood set painter, and she’s never more that 10 paces away from a wi-fi connection.

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